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I love to do crafts, of just about any kinds...wreathes (I made the one to the right), jewelry, diy, mixed media canvases, paper crafts, holiday decorating...can't wait for Halloween and then Christmas! I've made a few decomesh wreathes and sold them. I recently got my first commission for a wreath....very excited about that!


I've lived in Jax for a little over 4 years now with my husband. He encourages me to go out and try new things. He's lived here all his life and me not being a social butterfly if I don't go out with my friends or him....I don't go out.


 I've recently been on a Groupon spree, it's actually how I found my new massage therapist. Who I've done a few things I wouldn't normally not have done or tried...belly dancing, ballroom dancing (with said hubby), a concealed weapons training class (which has led me to take their Pepper Spray course they are offering in October), and a Cobochon jewelry-making class (which I will be doing more of, Ronda was great!).  All these things I can do by myself and not BE by myself. My husband and I love spending time together but as anyone who has beenin a relationship for any extended amount of time knows you have have your own time and life as well. So these new little adventures of mine are things I can do on my own and don't cost a great deal of money to try and I can continue them if I like them to my own extent.



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